Utility Locator

Vermeer Verifier™ G3 by McLaughlin. McLaughlin’s G3 locator combines trusted precision with a simple, user-friendly interface.


The Verifier G3 Utility Locator combines trusted precision with a user-friendly interface for contractors faced with congested underground conditions, unmarked utilities and increasingly-strict regulations.

Optimized Production

Automatic depth and current strength measurements located on all screen modes.

Coil Clamp

Exclusive one-size-fits-all coil clamp does not need to encircle utility to induce signal. Clamp is 100 percent waterproof.


Three-year warranty including water damage.

Strong Inductive Capabilities

For quick verification of utilities for vacuum excavation.

Three Locating Modes – Peak, Peak/Null and Null

The operator-friendly screen, at a glance, shows the accuracy of peak mode combined with the speed of null mode.

Mini Probe (Option)

Small waterproof transmitter emits a signal that is traced by the receiver, enabling location and depth of non-metallic pipe. Available frequencies: 38 kHz/512 Hz.